Today, I did my usual routine which is dropping on some ECs before having dinner. Most of the posts are acknowledging the top 10 droppers on its blog. I guess there is nothing wrong with that, in fact I myself is practicing the same. It is a way of showing gratitude and to start a long term friendship with fellow bloggers. As I browsed on some of the sites of the Entrecard droppers, I accidentally pointed on one of the acknowledged sites- for constantly dropping on his/her site. Sad to discover that the link does not lead to the site who is cited.
I really felt so sad for my fellow entrecard dropper who dropped 31 days. I think citing the site's name is not enough to express your gratitude. You have to link the site of the person who visited your site regularly.
I don't know if many will agree with me. I am not that sarcastic to admit that I dropped sites to earn friends and most of all to earn some links. What's the point of being stingy? I am pretty sure that 31 days of visiting a personal blog is long enough to build new friends and linkages.
So for all who always visits my blog, expect that at the end of the month you will earn not only a link but also a friend. Be my guest...
I am planning to stay here for a very long time...until retirement.. I kinda like here...
I really felt so sad for my fellow entrecard dropper who dropped 31 days. I think citing the site's name is not enough to express your gratitude. You have to link the site of the person who visited your site regularly.
I don't know if many will agree with me. I am not that sarcastic to admit that I dropped sites to earn friends and most of all to earn some links. What's the point of being stingy? I am pretty sure that 31 days of visiting a personal blog is long enough to build new friends and linkages.
So for all who always visits my blog, expect that at the end of the month you will earn not only a link but also a friend. Be my guest...
I am planning to stay here for a very long time...until retirement.. I kinda like here...
Hopefully it was just an honest mistake.. I can't imagine listing a site but not linking to it. Huh.
thats good gestures but we cannot "please" mostly here.I'm did it before in my otherside blog unfortunately after I posted all there EC logo's they did not came back anymore specially those with PR's nor drop a bit no comments only few does and remained real .my two blogs has PR2 before when my PR2 lost they lost too.So.. get what I mean here.
I'm still visiting their blogs once in a while and leaving few words on tag board. that's life here on the web.
I can't say for other bloggers but I link all my top 10 droppers. Maybe it's not about being stingy but perhaps laziness?? But I'm just guessing :)
Anyway, it's their blog... they do whatever they like right. Have a nice day :)
i must agree with you here. I truly appreciate the recognition I get from my fellow Entrecarders. The only thing is that the links aren't directed at my OWN blog but at my own profile at EntreCard. But there are a few though who take the time to link up the respective blogs of their Top Dropppers. That is a very kind and generous effort...
I do appreciate the drops. In fact, I have in my side bar the top droppers of my blog but I commend highly those who doesm't practice the DROP AND RUN attitude...
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