
Childhood Milestone

Loosing Milk teeth is one of the milestones that a child can experience. At first they are afraid and would ask so many questions about losing their teeth. They have a many "what ifs" in their mind seeking for answers. Like, if another tooth will again? And we as their parents are the ones to comfort them. To ease up her worries. I shared the tooth fairy story to her. Tooth Fairy story is about a fairy that gives money to the child in exchange of the baby tooth that has fallen out.
But my kid still felt those fears and one of the fears that I didn't expect is if she still looks pretty without a tooth. Sometimes, She will prevent herself from smiling wide especially at school. She is conscious of being teased by her classmates. Of course as a parent, I assured her that she is pretty- in the eyes of her mom.


Grampy said...

I hope the tooth fairy was good to her. And she is adorable.

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