
Construct a table

Data table- is presenting data in an organized way for readers to easily captivate the meaning of the data that were collected. Presenting data in a tabular form has greater advantage for people who are visually inclined.
As shown below the data classified as independent variable are seen in the column however the dependent are placed in rows.

Construct data in tabular form.
  Table no. ___ Title: _____________________

To construct a it must have the following:

  1. Table number must be indicated especially if dealing with more than one table.
  2. Table must have a title indicating clearly what are the data about.
  3. Table must be supported with textual explanation.
  4. Ensure that the whole table is seen in one page.
  5. Observe proper alignment within a table such as the assigned number of the table,  title and explanation.

Can you construct a table from this study wherein the effectiveness of banana leaves as an organic wrapper was compared to that of aluminum foil. The number of bacterial colonies in rice wrapped in the two kinds of food wrappers was measured after 12 hours at room temperature and 3 trials?

Possible dummy data table would be:
Table 1.1 Number of Bacterial colonies formed in Banana
and Aluminum Foil after 12 hours.


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