
Explain the concepts related to probability

Explain the concepts related to probability

Probability is the measure of how likely an event is.It is a tool that helps us to predict
a possible occuring event mathematically. Prediction would then later help us to prepare
ourselves with any untoward incedents. Probility are even widely used in predicting the
weather.Probability for many people can be a basis of any decision makings.

Statistics for Filipino Students 3rd ed. by Batacan C.A., et.al

Probability is describe further in a case if a n even can happen in b ways and fail in f
way and all these events are equally likely to occur, then the probability of its
happening P(H), is h/h+f and the probability of its failing is P(F), is h/h+f.

For example, if one chip is to be drawn from a box containing 3 red and 5 yellow chips,
the probability of drawing a red chip is 3/8 and the probability of drawing a yellow chip
is 5/8.

On the probability scale a probability of 1 for an event to happen means it is certain to
happen, while the probability of O means that it will never happen. If P(H) is the
probability that an event will happen, then P(F)= 1-P(H) is the probability of its failing
to happen.

Try this (taken from http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol6/intro_probability.html)

1. What is the probability of choosing a vowel from the alphabet?

ans. 5/26

2. A number from 1-11 is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing an odd number?
Ans. 6/11

3. A number from 1-11 is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing an even number?
Ans. 5/11



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